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We are pleased to announce the release of the new book series Constructing Melodic Jazz Improvisation. This is a comprehensive new approach for beginning and intermediate level musicians and explores style elements, phrasing control, creative design and intent, and teaches readers to play the language of jazz. View our books page to learn more.

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Featured Books

Learning Jazz Improvisation Starts Here:

It's about more than technique.
It's about more than memorizing patterns.
It's about more than learning the right notes.

It's about style.
It's about phrasing control.
It's about creative design and intent.
It's about learning to play the language of jazz.

Book cover of Melodic Jazz in Bb
B Flat Edition
Book cover of Melodic Jazz for bass
Bass Clef Edition
Book cover of Melodic Jazz in Eb
E Flat Edition
Book cover of Melodic Jazz in concert key
Concert Key Edition
The Jazz Style and Technique Series and Creative Jazz Sight Reading create the perfect style guide for beginning and intermediate level musicians.
Book cover of Jazz Style and Technique for Sax
Jazz Style and Technique for Sax
Book cover of Jazz Style and Technique for Treble Clef
Jazz Style and Technique for Treble Clef
Book cover of Creative Jazz Sight Reading
Creative Jazz Sight Reading
These books improve pitch, diction, and range.
Book cover of Sing After Me
Sing After Me
Book cover of Singing Tongue Twisters A-Z

Singing Tongue Twisters A-Z
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